We need your support now, please consider
helping… your gift will make great things happen.
We are now enrolling! If you or someone you know between
the ages of 13 - 24 is interested in learning audio/video
production and editing, podcasting and other skills or
refining skills in the areas of Music, Dance and Drama THIS
could be the spot for you! The project utilizes student
involvement in media as the vehicle to establish ongoing
youth development activities. For further information, call us
at 816-531-4683 ext. 15.
HYPE is a performing arts group sponsored by the
Calvary Community Outreach Network (CCON). CCON’s
mission is to provide innovative programs & services
designed to enrich the lives of individuals and families
living in urban Kansas City.
HYPE provides youth ages 13-24 with the opportunity to
enhance their performance skills. Youth will use their
skills to create and perform dramatic stage-plays. HYPE
participants will learn about current day issues and
influence their peers in positive ways. Coaching will be
given in the following areas: Drama/Acting; Dance; Choir;
Rap; Production. HYPE Cast members also participate in
selected community service projects and trainings.
HYPE Studio Classes are held every Monday, Tuesday and
Thursday from 3:00 to 6:00pm at the Calvary Temple
Baptist Church, 2940 Holmes Street, Kansas City, MO
We expect cast members to carry a minimum 2.0 grade
point average in school and conduct themselves in a
positive manner always. Your commitment to rehearsals
and performances is extremely important.
HYPE members have produced quality
television programming giving accurate,
culturally sensitive HIV/AIDS and substance
abuse prevention information to their peers in
an up-beat entertaining way. Students learn the
basics of video work including camera
operation, editing and audio as well as
interviewing techniques.
Becoming an active donor is one of the most effective
ways we, as caring human beings, can make a difference
within the lives of others with the little that we have to
offer. Although CCON is a not-for-profit organization, we
still have the same needs as any large or small corporation
in the world. That means we need capital of all forms, as
well as intangible resources.
The Calvary Community Wellness Center provides
structured fitness opportunities and information to youth
and families living and working in urban Kansas City. The
10,000 square foot warehouse located at 3002 Holmes
Street has been converted into a state of the art fitness
center to serve youth and families in the target group.
Health screenings, nutrition demonstrations and fitness
classes are among the program offerings.
We are proud to offer a number of programs and services
to our community including National Week of Prayer for
the Healing of AIDS, KC FAITH Initiative, KC Fun and Fitness
Day, Taking it to the Pews (TIPS), Helping Youth Plan for
Excellence (HYPE), Health Related Research Projects and so
much more. Click learn more for more information on all
of our programs and services.
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