We need your support now, please consider
helping… your gift will make great things happen.
National Week of Prayer for the
Healing of AIDS
National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS is
designed to encourage the faith community to assist in
educating the community on the risk factors
associated with HIV/AIDS and to mobilize area African-
American churches in reducing the spread of the
disease. The CCON is a certified partner of the Balm In
Gilead, Inc. and is the convener and fiscal agent for the
local observance, which is held the first full week in
March annually.
HYPE is a media leadership group that creates a
positive setting for urban youth ages 10- 21. The
project utilizes student involvement in media as the
vehicle to establish ongoing youth development
activities. Since 1999, HYPE members have
produced quality programming giving accurate,
culturally sensitive HIV/AIDS and substance abuse
prevention information to their peers in an up-beat
entertaining way. Students work to create stage
performances that speak to their peers in positive
ways. Students reach nearly 3,000 youth annually in
their performances at Kauffman Performing Arts
Center and other venues.
Helping Youth Plan for
Excellence (HYPE)
Healthy Faith is a new healthy-living program
designed to for AA Churches. Urban core
congregations located in high need zip codes
implement interventions that address the
community’s wellness and priority health disparities
in. The program offers AED’s along with CPR Training.
The program is intended to assist each congregation
to construct its own activities based on unique needs
expressed by each. Rather than building a program
and asking people to come, Healthy Faith is designed
for community input at each level.
Healthy Faith
Health Related Research
African American churches will have the opportunity
to promote healthy behaviors and prevention
through implementation of a culturally and
religiously tailored, multilevel intervention. Which will
include: a) church services (e.g., sermons, responsive
readings, church bulletins); b) group (weekly) weight
loss, exercise, and cooking sessions; and c) individual
health screenings, linkage to care, and text/voice
message reminders to engage in healthy behaviors.
is a church based health promotion program that
mobilizes and empowers churches to help in
reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS. TIPS partners
disseminate pre-developed, culturally and religiously
tailored materials from the HIV Prevention &
Compassion Tool Kit to congregants and affiliates.
CCON staff and volunteers provide technical
assistance and resources including testing.
Taking it to the Pews (TIPS)
The primary goals of the pilot intervention study are
to increase: a) knowledge on preventing and living
with diabetes, heart disease, and stroke; b) exercise
and healthy eating; and c) weight loss. This Project is
funded by the National Institute of Minority Health
Disparities in partnership with UMKC.
KC FAITH Initiative
The Calvary Community
Wellness Center
The Calvary Community Wellness Center provides
structured fitness opportunities and information to
youth and families living and working in urban
Kansas City. The 10,000 square foot warehouse
located at 3002 Holmes Street has been converted
into a state of the art fitness center to serve youth
and families in the target group. Health screenings,
nutrition demonstrations and fitness classes are
among the program offerings.
This is an outdoor health & fitness festival that is
offered to the community. Health Screenings,
resource distribution, Fitness competitions and
demonstrations, Music dancing & food. Draws
between 1,500 and 2,000 attendees each year.
KC Fun & Fitness Day
A capacity Building Workshop designed to build and
strengthen the health ministries of 40-50 AA
churches annually.
Reaching All God’s Children
The CLERGY RESPONSE NETWORK (CRN) is an interfaith
collaborative mobilizing faith leaders and faith-based
institutions to build a healthy urban community through
education, advocacy and partnership development.
HYPE is a performing arts group sponsored by the Calvary
Community Outreach Network (CCON). CCON’s mission is
to provide innovative programs & services designed to
enrich the lives of individuals and families living in urban
Kansas City.
The Calvary Community Wellness Center provides
structured fitness opportunities and information to youth
and families living and working in urban Kansas City. The
10,000 square foot warehouse located at 3002 Holmes
Street has been converted into a state of the art fitness
center to serve youth and families in the target group.
Health screenings, nutrition demonstrations and fitness
classes are among the program offerings.
Becoming an active donor is one of the most effective
ways we, as caring human beings, can make a difference
within the lives of others with the little that we have to
offer. Although CCON is a not-for-profit organization, we
still have the same needs as any large or small corporation
in the world. That means we need capital of all forms, as
well as intangible resources.
Our Healthy Jackson County, or OHJC, is striving to reduce
the burden of COVID-19 and chronic diseases in Kansas
City, Missouri’s Jackson County.
How? By increasing access to COVID-19 vaccinations and
health screenings where people live, work, play, and
worship. CCON has joined forces with UMKC,
neighborhood associations, businesses, youth
organizations to lead faith organizations to offer these
free health services, increase the number of people
vaccinated against COVID-19, and improve community
Our Healthy Jackson County (OHJC)